Desert Dawg

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Requisition Me Some Compassion

This just in, from jlee4282

I agree with everything you say in your profile. Most people need to just shut the fook up and listen for a's the consent blabbering of those uninformed cakeholes, misrepresenting the tid bit of fact they heard on the 11oclock news, that has lead to the destruction of once great nation. If people just shut up and critically looked at the world around them, they would see that their problems are minimal when compared to devastation that is occurring across the world and in this country on a daily basis.

But, with all that said, your profile comes off as you being angry at people who do not see things the way you do. The reality I have found is that most people do not fit the mold you have created. And getting angry with people, or at least coming off that way, does not help the situation either. It tends to push people who would fit the mold further away, as they perceive you to be a negative person, when in reality, and having read your whole profile i can kinda tell, you are not a negative person. But rather a buddy \ lil bro who knows when to shut up, take it like the man they are and enjoy the moment.

Don't really care if you agree with the above, it was just what came to mind after reading your profile. Maybe it'll get you to look at the whole profile things a lil differently, or maybe your goal was to weed out all the non thinkers. You tell me?

Sure, there are a couple times a year when all you can say is, "Get her." I chose instead a different statement: "What is the call to answer every passing fool according to his folly?"

I wanna know. I like to think I have some kind of sense that keeps me from getting involved in a pissing match. What I don't understand is why guys take it upon themselves to tell me what a "negative" man I am, based on what is an admittedly candid profile. It's pretty clear these guys don't react to that candor; they react to their own indignation upon encountering it.

But why tell me about it? It won't get 'em laid. It won't get 'em dates. Do they think I'm Rush Limbaugh, with an ear at the ready, ever vigilent for the next twitter-pated muttonhead to call and agree with me? Sigh.

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