Desert Dawg

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hirsutitude, No Extra Charge

Annent the troubling spread of crotch shaving among men:

Popular opinion sez shaving makes yer dick look bigger. It doesn't. It makes your dick look bald. It also makes open, running sores easier to spot.

'Nuff said.

Of course, that doesn't mean I'm above shaving a guy. It's kinda nice to remind a fella who's alpha and who's bravo.

(One time, when I was 19, I had occasion to visit the local STD clinic. Had an enormous, and I mean fooken gigantic pustule on my wang. Naturally, I freaked. After being interviewed by a 400-pound dyke with an east Texas accent, dressed in a Mickey Mouse T-shirt ("Yoo have a shanker on yer pay-nis?"), I was directed to a cubicle with a drawn curtain. The doc on staff came in, took a look, said, "Holy shit, that's the biggest ingrown hair I've ever seen. You can just express it." Whereupon he grabbed my member in his gloved hands, and squeezed the zit -- which promptly spewed the contents of Satan's own gall bladder all over the walls. I was instructed to dress it with triple-antibiotic ointment and discharged.)

1 comment:

spinkpup said...

LOL, an East Texan would say penis that way!